Thursday, February 24, 2011

Morning Commute

A couple months ago Landry switched daycares to a place that is just up the road from my work.  So we started “commuting” together.


Landry is NOT a good rider, but a few weeks ago we decided to put the portable dvd player back there, don’t judge!  (It’s usually Baby Einstein, but it’s been Shark Tales since Hunter hijacked it a week ago.)

DSC03086 It has worked like a charm and saved my sanity!!  I don’t know about you, but I’m not too keen on blood piercing screaming for 30 minutes straight!!

This mornings ride took a little bit longer, see that car way up in front?  He went 50mph the whole way.  Why have a Mustang if you’re going to go UNDER the speed limit??


Mama was NOT a happy camper!

1 comment:

Meredith said...

for reals! time to burn some rubber, mr. mustang! ;)